


退休就像是几十年工作后的终点线 你可能无法越过终点线,或者 真的 享受你想象中的退休生活,如果你在退休的过程中被绊倒了. 

事实上, the retirement of your dreams could disappear before your eyes with just a few missteps and oversights. 

不幸的是,这种情况比我们大多数人意识到的要频繁得多. Just under half of the folks who are going to stop working within the next 30 or so years are expected to run out of money in retirement.1


如果你知道什么错误会耗尽你的退休积蓄, 你要小心, 做出更明智的决定, 为梦想中的退休生活做好准备. 


Any of us can get tripped up by these common retirement mistakes if we’re not careful and if we don’t 真的 understand the impacts of our actions (or inaction). 

Here’s what you need to know to protect your nest egg and minimize the risks of running out of money when you retire. 

1. 等着为退休存钱. 

为退休存钱永远不会嫌早. Putting off retirement savings until later in life can mean losing out on the ability to take full advantage of compound interest, 这意味着你有能力从你赚来的利息中获得利息. 

人们越早开始为退休储蓄越好. 即使你在职业生涯的早期不能做出很大贡献,这也是对的. Every little bit helps, especially if you can start building retirement savings early. 

对退休采取全有或全无的心态, 或者把储蓄推迟到四五十岁, 会严重阻碍你的财务增长吗. 因此,当你退休的时候,你可能会发现自己的资源更少了.

2. 没有详细的退休计划. 

细节指的是勾勒出你退休时财务需求的具体数字. 这些应该考虑到你的退休地点等因素, 下班后计划活动, 你期望的生活方式.

With this type of detailed plan, you should also get a clearer understanding of specifics, like: 

  • 你还需要工作多久才能退休
  • 你是否想要或需要在退休后做兼职
  • 你的退休生活费用 


  • 坚持为退休储蓄进行足够的投资.
  • 忘记你退休后财务生活的关键部分.
  • 算错了,没能存足够的钱过舒适的退休生活.

3. 没有考虑到未来的需求. 

你未来的医疗护理是什么样子的,费用是多少? 什么时候你需要住家护理或长期护理(LTC)设施? 

你可能一时想不出答案或数字,没关系. There are several online tools available to help you estimate medical costs and LTC expenses. 专业人士也可以提供帮助.


  • 随着年龄的增长,大多数65岁的人都需要某种形式的长期存款.2
  • LTC的费用可能很昂贵,而且不一定包括在医疗保险范围内.2
  • 医疗和长期贷款账单确实会导致一些人在退休后花光钱.2
  • Budgeting for medical bills and LTC costs in retirement is merely one side of the financial “coin” here. The other is to consider powers of attorney — who would you want to make financial (and healthcare) decisions on your behalf if you couldn’t later?

Considering these issues early on can give you more power and flexibility to plan for your later-in-life needs. 这可以在退休前和退休期间给你带来无价的内心平静.

4. 误算社会保障.

你能指望从社保中得到多少,什么时候开始领取? Will those funds be enough to support your life in retirement, or will you need other income streams?

If you’re eligible for Social Security benefits, run the numbers before you rely on them. Many folks can’t live on Social Security benefits alone — and others won’t be able to rely on these benefits at all.

So, take a closer look at what you could actually draw from Social Security and how that would fit into your retirement income. Making assumptions here can be a huge financial mistake that could send retirees back into the workforce.

5. 没有考虑到税收和通货膨胀. 

你退休时的纳税等级是多少? 许多人认为他们退休后的税率会低一些, 后来才发现: 

  1. 他们错了. 
  2. 他们退休后的纳税等级比预期的要高. 
  3. 作为退休人员,他们没有足够的税收预算. 

类似的, inflation can bring a lot of unwelcome surprises and put unexpected strains on your retirement income, 让你的购买力低于预期, 如果你还没有把它纳入你的计划. 

So, don’t overlook taxes and inflation when you’re considering what you need to retire and how that amount could be thinned out later. 

6. 随着退休的临近,投资也会越来越少.

如果退休即将来临,不要自动减少你的供款. 再查一遍号码,确保一切正常. 不要仅仅根据假设就削减你的退休金.

7. 给退休带来太多债务.

理想情况下,你退休时债务越少越好. Taking excessive debt with you into retirement can burden you with a lot of financial obligations when you’re no longer working (and you’re on a fixed income). That could drain most or all of your retirement income, leaving little for the fun stuff. 相反,你应该在退休前还清尽可能多的债务. That’ll free up more of your income for living expenses and whatever you want to do with your time.

8. 未能最大限度地提高退休供款.

雇主匹配和类似的捐款就像免费的钱. 如果你不利用它们,你实际上就是把它们留在桌子上. So, don’t do that; instead, 利用你从雇主那里得到的这些“匹配”的机会, 金融机构, 或其他. Invest what it takes to get the match and avoid leaving free money on the table whenever possible.

9. 从退休储蓄中借款.

Cashing out part of your retirement savings can come with hefty costs and steep penalties. 虽然可能有一些很好的理由来承担这些成本, 比如在紧急情况下, it’s generally not a great idea to withdraw retirement funds early if you have other resources.

10. 未办理登机手续.

生活的变化会影响我们的退休计划和目标. 如果我们真的想让我们的退休目标触手可及, 谨慎的做法是不时地重新评估它们. 这通常更容易由金融专业人士来做. 


退休 can be deeply rewarding — and maybe even a little bit better — when we look out for the landmines and we know how to avoid them. Whether you’re just getting started with retirement planning or it’s time to revisit the numbers, 事实是,这很复杂,我们不必独自完成. 

有一点知识, 一些观点, 以及正确的指导, we can stay on track with our retirement savings and give ourselves better footing to truly enjoy retired life.



1. http://www.ebri.org/content/retirement-savings-shortfalls-evidence-from-ebri-s-2019-retirement-security-projection-model

2. http://www.moneytalksnews.com/slideshows/what-happens-if-i-really-do-run-out-of-money-in-retirement/

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