Your Brain on Fear & Greed: Why It’s Hard to Stop the Fear-Greed Cycle (& How to Break It)

Jeremy Joiner |

What happens when you start to feel afraid or greedy?


Probably not.

That’s because both fear and greed make us reactive. 这些情绪往往会影响我们的判断,使我们冲动,甚至动辄开枪.

Fear and greed also spark real changes in our brains and bodies. That can alter our outlook and mindset. 它还可以改变我们处理金钱和财务决策的方式, especially under stress or in more uncertain times.1,2


Physiology of Fear: How Our Brains React to Fear

Fear is natural, and can take hold of us instantly.3

有了这种恐惧,我们的肾上腺素和皮质醇(一种与压力有关的激素)就会激增. We can also get some dopamine, the “chemical” tied to pleasure.4,5


Essentially, 这是我们的战斗或逃跑反应触发了我们的生存本能, so we can react quickly and try to stay safe.


In fact, when we’re making money moves based on fear, we’re far more likely to be impulsive, irrational, and focused on the short term. 这可能意味着过早放弃投资,或者陷入“羊群行为”的陷阱,” where you’re scrambling to do what everyone else is doing. 从更大的角度来看,这些举动往往与巨额亏损有关.6

Physiology of Greed: How Our Brains Respond to Greed


In fact, dopamine and greed go hand in hand. 多巴胺可以刺激贪婪,而贪婪意味着我们的大脑会释放更多的多巴胺. And with more dopamine, we experience more pleasure.7

With that, we want instant pleasure, and we can get tunnel vision, falling into a vicious dopamine-chasing cycle.

这可能会导致过度自信,并在我们了解它之前就被自己绊倒,加入了一些“淘金热”或快速致富的计划. Like fear, 贪婪会导致我们从众行为和非理性选择,从而干扰我们的长远眼光和审慎决策能力.

Also like fear, 贪婪会让我们陷入一个恶性循环,让我们追逐下一个目标, instead of focusing on our bigger financial goals.6

How to Stop the Cycle of Fear & Greed: 5 Simple Tips for Any Investor

了解贪婪和恐惧的生物学原理给我们提供了另一种认识这些情绪的方式,以及它们如何影响我们的选择和心态. 有了这些知识,我们可以做些什么来阻止贪婪和恐惧的循环:

  1. 提前设定你的进入和退出点:在这种情况下建立你的风险承受能力可以给你一个更黑白分明的经验法则来做财务选择, so you’re not just going on your gut.
  2. 关注目标,而不是回报:目标是关于你的价值观和你在大局中想要什么. 这可以平息贪婪和恐惧,帮助我们把注意力集中在更重要的事情上.
  3. Resist on-the-fly decisions: Take an hour, a day, 或者在你做出更重要的(甚至是主要的)财务决定之前,尽可能地延长时间.
  4. 定期调整你的投资组合:制定一个时间表,检查你的投资并做出改变, if needed. 这可以防止一时冲动的决定使你偏离轨道.
  5. 拓展你的视野:就像恐惧和贪婪一样,市场也会有周期. 这意味着动荡和不稳定之后往往会出现上涨——如果你过早退出的话, 你可能会错过那些坚持到底,等待周期再转一两次的人所能获得的回报.

Also, you can talk out any choices before taking action. Remember, you don’t have to make small, substantial, or even big decisions about your money on your own. Discussing it with someone you trust, like a financial professional, can give you another perspective and more insights. 这对做出更明智的财务决策大有帮助, no matter what you want in the big picture.










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